18 February 2011

Hello weekend.

Dear Thumper,

Hi. This is Mom.

I'm doing one of my favourite things: sitting on the couch with Reacher, listening to (but not watching) CSI on PVR while I play on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Blogger. Divine.

Dad doesn't like it when I multi-task while watching TV, but he's at a meeting... And it's CSI, which Dad doesn't actually consider television. (Unlike West Wing, The Wire, Weeds, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip and others, which we'll teach you about...)

You're not kicking as much as you once were, but I'm trying not to panic. Apparently you're running out of the space you need to move a lot. Which is what I keep telling myself, over and over. So, I'm sorry if I keep poking and prodding you - I'm just trying to provoke a response from you, so I can breathe.

I'm also consuming a shitload of delicious sugar, for the same reason :) (Thumps, Mom's in for a nasty post-preggie shock, when the time comes to be a thin person again. But hopefully breastfeeding is as good for calorie-burning as they say it is, and hopefully we'll make sterling work of it, you 'n me.)

So, what's left to do? I wasn't kidding in the first post, when I told you I loved lists and organising...

  1. Wait for Infantasia delivery (which I'd hoped would come today, but so much for that, dammit...)
  2. Pack hospital bags (mine and yours; Dad can pack his own - and yes, before you ask, we need 3)
  3. Buy Woolies stuff
  4. Buy antenatal-teacher-recommended stuff: Rescue, collofollyn, rosewater spray, juices, snacks, etc.
  5. Wait for bumper, blind, Tanya's delivery and bras on order
  6. Pack your cupboards and compactum
  7. Put up your shelves

Eep, this is quite a long list. I also need to make a contact list for Dad and chase Discovery Baby.

On a completely random note, I'm now watching Oprah. Which I never, ever do. Because apparently there are Vera Wang wedding dresses coming, and I have a bizarre and inexplicable passion for wedding dresses. Wedding expos. Wedding mags. Strange for someone who's happily married, does not intend to marry again, and had a beautiful white wedding first time round. Oh well. Mom's a bit 'different'.

Maybe I'll be one of those Alpha helicopter moms who micro-manages your whole wedding :)

Thumps, more seriously, Mom loves you a lot. Please be okay. Please be fine in there. And please carry on doing such great work and growing healthily and well until it's time to come out. Okay?

May you be perfect.

Love you.

Mom x

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