26 April 2011

10 things

Dear Milla,

Hi. This is Mom.

So, I haven't blogged much. Okay, at all.

You're keeping me pretty busy in person, and unlike when you were livin' in my belly, I talk to you a lot now. In real life.

So I don't feel like I have to type to correspond with you. But I did want to put down, in writing, 10 things I love about you, having known you now for 23 days.

In random order:

  1. Your exquisite blue eyes
  2. Your grunty language
  3. The way you yawn with your whole, entire face (and neck and shoulders)
  4. Your funny little feet that look exactly like your father's
  5. Your funny-shaped pointy head that looks just like mine
  6. The way you behave like a star whenever people are here
  7. The way you behave like a terrorist sometimes when no-one is here
  8. Your growing smile
  9. Your snuffly 'hungry' face
  10. Your little burps, farts, and other strange stuff that's cute cos it's yours

I love you. MADLY.

Mom x

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