13 February 2012

I don't like kids*.

Hi Milla.

It’s Mom.

*Okay, that headline is deliberately provocative. Sorry.

Something funny has happened to me. Something utterly unexpected and quite cool. But first – a bit o’ background:

I don’t like kids. That’s no secret. I’m just not a kid person. I’ve never been the sort to peer into prams, to clutch tiny babies in my arms, to joyously attend noisy, messy, mommy-cliquey kids’ parties. I’m not wild about having children in my house. Again, they mess. And they scare my cats. (Some more than others.)

I do like kids I’m related to. And the kids of very close friends. Thank G-d. But in a very ‘cool spinster auntie’ kind of way. And the older they get – the closer to 16 if we’re being honest – the more I like them.

‘Why have a kid then?’ you may be wondering. I don’t know. I guess I always believed that some sort of switch would be flipped and I’d turn into Auntie Dina (who is mal about kids). Well, that’s exactly what happened when you were born – but with a catch. I still didn’t like other people’s kids. I adored you.

HOWEVER, ten and a bit months in, something weird is going on. Because as I get more accustomed to kid stuff – the schmutz, the racket, the smells, the cries, the cuteness – I find that I also like a lot more kids than I used to.

  • I’ll pick up a friend’s baby out of absolute choice – not because I feel obliged to.
  • I’ll sniff a tiny infant because he smells so completely yummy and baby-ish.
  • I’ll cuddle a toddler just because she’s chubby.
  • I’ll look into every pram in every shopping mall, and smile at the moms (in the past, I ignored them completely; ‘Shopping malls and other public spaces are no place for children…’)

 I’ll also welcome kids into my home, because what you’ve done to the carpets and couches can’t really be worsened by anyone else’s child…

…and because I don’t mind nappies being changed on my dining room table or my bed…

…and because the cats are used to you and other little people and most importantly…

…because kids make a house feel nice.

What’s also happening, and I acknowledge that this could be because my friends’ kids are growing up and becoming interesting little people, is that the kids I know are (mostly) divine. Sweet, kind, funny, smart. A pleasure to be with. [Jade, this piece was inspired by your Raphael and Katie, by your Liam.)

May you continue to be the delicious creature who makes people love her (even if they’re not really kid people) and who puts her arms up to be held by anyone who smiles at you [Ed: evil strangers with agendas notwithstanding].

I love you.

Mom x

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