31 January 2012

Big fat secrets

Strawberries excite me beyond reason. Yeeha.
Hi Milla.

It's Mom.

Auntie Gail, our WeightWatchers Tannie (and the author of the magnificent Big Fat Secrets), suggested last week that we identify a year-long weight/health goal.

All very well - I do this every year. And by the end of January, I've forgotten about it in the rush to scarf a packet of marshmallows.

But the kicker (more info on Gailie's blog, if you want it - tho' Mom knows you can't read just yet) is that you have to make the goal/s public.

Otherwise, you're not accountable.


And since we know no-one really reads Mom's stuff (except Yiayia and Dad - hi guys), and there's no way in hell I'm going to put my fat-fighting goal-setting on Bizcommunity, where I do get read, it's all on you, sunshine.


Here goes...

1. The very first resolution I have ever made and kept, in 30 years, is this year's SLOW LIVING one. So I'm going to start with that, because I'm proud of it. In a serious attempt to manage my stress levels, enjoy my life more and feel calmer and less fraught, I have started to do everything in a more measured, more present, slower manner. Driving, talking, eating, thinking, walking, working. Alles. It works.

Mini goals: Leave the office at 5pm every day. Play on the floor with you. Read. Daydream. Have more empty time. Write in coffee shops. Lounge in bookstores.

2. Before I found out I was pregnant with you, you little bundle of yumminess, I was 0.5kg from my goal weight. I'd love to get back there. TO A SIZE 10. To my pretty jeans. I have 3.8kg to lose. Which, if you amortise it over the 8.5 weeks til your 1st birthday, translates into 470g a week. Now, for me, that's a lot of weight to lose in a week. Which means I have to stick to my 18 points and exercise.

Mini goals: No sugar at night (gives me horrible nightmares). Drink more water (the intention is 6 glasses, but I seldom manage more than 4). Cook more. Shop more. Eat less fat (read: red meat).

3. Right: exercise. I would love, by the end of 2012, to RUN A 10KM RACE. 'How the hell are you going to do that?' you ask, incredulous. I don't know. But I figure that if I walk with Mon once a week (5km) and walk/run with Sarah once a week (5km), I'll get there. I do need a plan though. (Note to self: Ask Gailie.)

Mini goals: Monica Mondays, Claire Tuesdays, Sarah Wednesdays, Sarah Thursdays. A 1km run by Dad's birthday. A 2km run by your birthday. A 5km run by Yiayia's birthday. 

So if we summarise it into a nice slogan - I love that shit - it's:


That's quite enough of that, I think. Time to start my writing.

I love you, my bunny. May you be healthy, wealthy and wise.

Love Mom x


  1. OMG I love it! It's fantastic! You are going to nail all of them I am so sure! :)

  2. I love love these mini goals - it makes it all seem acheivable!! GOOD LUCK!
