12 November 2011

7 months old...

...and delicious.

Hi Milla.

It's Mom.

Although a fair bit of time has passed since last I mommy-blogged, it's been divine time.

You're getting cuter, smilier and more engaging every day.

You're crawling, which is adorable and scary and exciting at the same time.

You love people, which is weird, cos I only half do and Dad really doesn't.

And you're now widely known not as 'Mimi', but as 'Miellie-Pap'. Oy.

Kid, we completely and totally love you.

And, to prove it, here are some of your deliciousnessess:

  1. You look so sweet when you cry (which you do very seldom and only when you bump your head, someone sneezes or you're feeling fragile).
  2. Despite the all-knowing, all-predicting pseudo-wisdom of every old bobba who's clapped eyes on you since your birth, your eyes are still blue. Blue-blue, not baby blue or any of that shit. BLUE.
  3. You're a genuine social butterfly. Who'da thunk? You'll happily go to car guards, waiters, strangers.
  4. You really don't like being held by smokers. And I like that about you.
  5. You look a bit like me when you smile and a lot like your Dad when you frown. The rest of the time we have no bloody idea where you came from or who you look like. But hell's bells do we love you.
  6. You're [still making up for my nightmare birth experience, breast-feeding battle and 10 weeks of severe and crippling PND by being] the world's best baby. You sleep through (and have for five months), you travel like a champ, you like airplanes, you eat everything (and I do mean, everything), you're kind to the cats and you're a star in restaurants, supermarkets, the car (mostly) and when Mom's working, tweeting, CSI-ing, or making one of her prized cups of strong coffee...

I love you.

Love Mom x

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